So we planned to go. The church in flagstaff was planning to have a special Valentines dinner thing so we thought that would be the perfect excuse to go out that weekend. So we did!
So we left Thursday afternoon and drove the long drive to flagstaff Arizona. We got there at like 2am which is kind of crazy! The drive was fun (aside from the traffic) and surprisingly did not feel that long.
It was really fun to get to hangout with everyone again and this time hanging out way more! we did lots of Walmart trips (that's what they do for fun) and threw lots of snowballs.
Jake and I had the privilege of getting to lead worship on Sunday morning for Calvary flagstaff which was a total blessing! everyone at the church is super nice and welcoming!
And then the valentines dinner/event that night was tons of fun! there was even dancing which of course just made everything a little more crazy! and then we left that night at like 12am AZ time (11pm CA time) and got home at 530am CA time! we decided next time we are driving in the day time we were so tired driving home it was not cool!
Ok I am officially the worst picture taker ever! not that I am horrible at taking pictures I just don't take them! sera was always the photographer when I went places so when she is not there I just don't take them! sorry! When I get more pictures from other people that actually took them I will post another blog with them!
At outback for dinner (drew, cody, Roman, me, Brent-the waiter, and jake) (rihanna was taking the picture and tallen and ryan were somewhere)
The boys dancing
this is the view from make out point (Roman decided he needed to take all of us up there) (it was me and a car full of guys, a little strange)