Wednesday, November 26, 2008

More Powerful than the Queen

so yesterday (sorry i am a day behind) was fun!! We went to Anini Beach it was beautiful as all the beaches are here!! :) my dad had his own island which was hilarious and i was able to just sit and hangout in the peace and listen to the sound of the ocean and nap! and there were all these little crabs coming out of the ground it was so cool! although i am realizing it kind of sucks to be a 5th wheel although that means there is lots of Jesus time!!

After our trip to the beach we decided to walk 2 miles to the queens bath.

basically it's this place where all this lava rock is right on the ocean and the waves crash into it and stuff basically just look at the pictures!

It is such a beautiful powerful place. i stood right on the edge where the waves weren't crashing. i watched as the huge swells smashed into the rocks it was intense and well a little scary! I couldn't help but think about how incredibly powerful God is. That this is only a tiny bit of His power. it's crazy!!!

I also saw this little flower in all the lava rock! it was cool to see how this little pretty flower could root itself in between the lava and be beautiful in the midst of darkness.

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