Friday, February 6, 2009

Random Excitement!

So my super random excitement for yesterday!!
I know these are totally random things but it made me excited!!
First I got a Starbucks card in the mail from Starbucks totally randomly! it was exciting! free money! yay!!
Then i went to eat this pre-packaged salad for lunch and it had one of these spork things in it! it's awesome! you take it apart and connect it. it's hard to explain but totally awesome!
and then i finally found the pens that i have been looking for forever! the ones that have 4 different color ink in it. I love to use them to take notes but haven't been able to find them for a while!
and on top of that it was raining which i love!!!
and then max texted me at 6:20 that i needed to lead worship because he was sick which of course got me super stressed! church starts at 7:00 and i had to pick songs get me guitar drive there get everything set up and all that kind of stuff! so yea super stressful but it ended up being fine!!! praise the Lord!!


Anonymous said...

you sound like a pirate "get me guitar"


♥, Jefferson said...

i love those pens too. :D

Rachel was like.... said...

you are histerical