Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Being a Bondservant

I have been trippin out on the idea of being a bondservant and what that means lately!

Last Wednesday night we started the book of Romans at Refuge! So far it has been such a blessing and I can't wait to see what else the Lord does through the book. The book starts out with saying "Paul, a bondservant of the the Lord." I was listening to Brit Merrick's study through the book of Romans and he took a full study just on the what a bondservant is. Tim Chaddick also has an amazing study on bondservants when he went through the book of James. I taught about a year ago to a group of teenagers on what a bondservant is and what it means. All that to say I have learned so much in the past on it and recently it has come back up in my mind alot.

Jake is now teaching Refuge on Sunday nights which is awesome. So as we prayed about what book he should start with the students we decided the Lord was leading to James. As a result of doing James we started talking about what a bondservant is and what that means for us.

A bondservant is a willing servant. One who decides after the time of serving for six years decides that his master has treated him well and in turn wants to continue to serve the master. God did this for us. He gives us everything we need and accepts us as family. All we have to do is to choose him and lay down our "freedom" to serve Him.

There are so many examples of people throughout scripture that have given up their "freedom" and decided to follow the Lord with everything they have.

How cool would it be to be known as a bondservant of the Lord!! to be known as someone that everyday wakes up and thinks it is no longer I who Live but Christ we lives in me. That's what I want and yet it's so hard for me to actually humble myself and do.

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