Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Beautiful Slave

I recently (Saturday) got back from a trip to Las Vegas. First I really don't like going to Vegas (God please don't send me there) It's such a dark city and while i like to see the world sometimes because it makes me pray harder I hate being in the environment.

So while I was driving there... just before you enter the city there are all these billboards on the side of the road advertising well everything you can think of. well one billboard the last one before our exit said something that really caught my eye and tore my heart. It said if you suspect human trafficking call (888) 373-7888. It became so much more real to me that human trafficking is huge issue even in the united states. I researched the group that put up the billboard. Last year there were over 2000 calls to that number to report suspected human trafficking. CRAZY!

If you have not yet seen/heard beautiful slave by take no glory you really need to it's very powerful and even more moving now than ever in my life.

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