Monday, November 30, 2009

Here Comes the Sun...

In case you don't already know this I love waking up early!
I love sunrise!! and I love getting up before the sunrise so that I have a chance to watch it!!

Mornings are beautiful!!! The best part is getting up between 430 and 530 before most of the world is awake! It's so peaceful and calm. There are stars in the sky (yes stars in Orange County) and it's dark! I love it! So every morning I get up before the sun and go workout. Whether that is a run through the neighborhood or at the beach or working out at boot camp! Sometimes I take my dog, sometimes (like this morning) a friend or two come along! It's so nice to be able to start my day with a little me (and Jesus and/or others) time before the piles of homework and studying and cleaning or whatever else the day has in store.

I encourage you to get up early die to self and go take a walk or something and spend sometime with Jesus before the sun and Experience the Sunrise! My favorite part of the day!

(FYI the picture is from the sunrise this morning but not from here. It was taking in South Dakota) (This mornings wasn't this amazing:( tomorrow should be better)

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