Monday, September 14, 2009


Is it bad that I have file for jury duty...

how can it be that most people never get that dreaded piece of mail... jury duty?

or some people get it once when they are in their 20s and never have it again?

and then there are people like me that every single year since i turned 18 i have gotten the summon in the mail ugh!!

and then some people that get summoned for jury duty call in and then never actually go to the court house and then if and only if they do get called in they never actually get put on the stand or anything they just sit in the room all day and get let go.

not me... the odds are completely against me! my last day of service was June 17th 2008 and now i get to call in October 30th so lame! and every time I have had it so far i have had to go into the court and then get put on the stand and asked questions. thankfully i have never been asked to be on a case! i would die! i can't miss that much school! hopefully this year will work in my favor and i won't have to go in at all and if I do that they will let me off because of my sisters wedding the next week. that would be nice!

oh well I guess I am just the one that has all the random stuff happen that no one else ever experiences i am that one in a million the one they right all the side effects for :)... more on that another time

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