Friday, March 19, 2010

Child Abuse Project

This semester one of my classes is on child abuse and prevention. As our main project for the semester we have to find pictures and articles about child abuse and put them together in a book. I knew this project was going to be eye opening but I did not realize how much I was going to be effected by the pictures and videos I would find.

I started researching pictures for child abuse which led me to more research which then led me to research on domestic violence and more on human trafficking and other things... I posted a blog before about human trafficing go check that one out too....

I'm not going to say much on any of these subjects I'll let pictures speak for themselves

One thing I do have to say is I found a website ( which had all these advertisements that nonprofits have done to help make people aware of what goes on! go check it out it will make you think for sure! the thing is all of the ads that I found and videos and everything come from other countries i didn't find one from the US what's up with that?

What can we do to help stop these things?

This is an ad in a high traffic area in australia

There is a camera that senses when a person is watching the screen and when you turn away it changes... to say that when people are watching everythign looks great but what happens when no one is watching?

A clock they put in some public places in the philippines

One of the captions for this said one brand no women should wear...

You should totally check out that website too it's got so many more videos and pictures...

There are so many resources for domestice violence and child abuse and human trafficing...

Domestic Violence:
1.800.799.SAFE (7233)

Child Abuse:

Human Trafficing:

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