Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Praise the Lord

So lately the Lord has been showing me a lot! it's hard to describe and tell you exactly what He is doing but it's exciting! He is giving me a lot of confirmation about many things and just about my life in general!

One thing that He is showing me is how important it is to spend quiet time with the Lord everyday! not just time in devotions reading and praying but taking time to just meditate on Him and relax in His presence! Selah!!!

Another thing is that we need to praise Him for the little things! lately I have been realizing the little things that the Lord does in my life like the little prayers that He answers that we don't realize. or not even prayers but thoughts like i really hope it doesn't rain while i am walking to class and then it doesn't or like red lights turning green when you are in a hurry! those little things! i think sometimes we forget to thank the Lord for those things! or like the Sunshine and seeing His glory in the simplicity of it!

Anyway i pray that you thank the Lord for the simple things that we normally forget about and that you find time to meditate on the things the Lord has done!!

btw my dog is so cute!!


Brittany Anne said...

Your dog IS cute.

And, I concur, that just meditating on the Lord is so refreshing! Oh to actually LISTEN!

See ya tomorrow!

Melissa Ashley said...

thanks for the reminder. I needed that. God is good in the big and the small things. love ya